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Social Media's Impact On You
August, 8th

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Social media is a necessary evil. As we evolve further into a new media and technology-based society, social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat are becoming more important than ever. A vast majority of those who read this are encompassed daily by social media, whether that’s from being an active user or seeing news segments that highlight tweets and photos from Facebook.

Social media has become a tool for young professionals to showcase their abilities, an opportunity for small businesses to grow, and a platform for the ‘general public’. There have been numerous international campaigns started by a simple hashtag – many of which have given a voice and identity to disparate individuals, and united them under a common banner.

On the business side of the spectrum, small businesses thrive on word of mouth, which makes social media that much more valuable to them. Companies can create unique campaigns or use high profile brand ambassadors to gain the exposure needed for growth. Take this quote for example from an October 2015 Forbes article: “Within two years, more than 50 percent of small businesses agree social media helps them increase sales; within five years, 70 percent of small businesses see ROI from a social media presence.” If I were told I had a 1 in 2 shot of growing my company by creating an online presence, then I’d surely invest in it.

Creating a presence isn’t nearly an end in itself. When it comes to online campaigns many factors are at play that need to be analyzed. What specific group are you targeting? How can you make this relevant to what your business offers? What’s trending recently? All of these are questions that need to be answered before diving headfirst into the online world.  According to a 2016 SEJ infographic, 1.7 billion people worldwide have active social media accounts. A whopping 89% of the people in the age group of 18-29 are in some way active on social media. If your business is tailored to younger clientele a social campaign should be high on the marketing list.

Social media has many unique facets and can be useful regardless of your venture. Whether it’s for a brand campaign like #ShareaCoke, a movement, or a cause, hashtags are one of the most unique and primary features of social media platforms. Chances are slim you missed the #IceBucketChallenge campaign which debuted in 2014 as a way to raise awareness for ALS. This consisted of participants uploading a video dousing themselves in cold water and then challenging friends of theirs to do the same by tagging them in the post. The campaign quickly went viral and engendered millions toward ALS research in the months following.

While there is a host of negative side effects due to social media, if it’s used in correctly and in the right way it can be a life-changing tool. Unfortunately, giving a voice to everyone doesn’t always end positively. In a recent survey it was reported that 22% of Americans have faced harassment in some form online. Outlets are spending resources trying to crack down on harassment, however, they will never be able to limit what is said. It is too easy to create, and hide behind an anonymous account.  

Social media is a great way to interact with your friends, make new friends and maybe, if you’re lucky chat with a popular celebrity. While you’re plotting the next viral post, take some time to stop and consider how much around you has been affected by social media. I’m sure you’ll be amazed.